Everything you need to know about your Canon wide format printer (EVERYTHING) is explained in the user manual.
From simply loading paper or changing ink cartridges, to fine-tuning the printer deliver the very best print quality and colour.
Every printer ships with a hard copy user manual, but it's often faster and easier to peruse the digital manuals that Canon keep online. They even have some video manuals that you can watch.
Simply follow this link for printer manuals: https://ij.manual.canon/ij/webmanual/WebPortal/PTL/ptl-select.html?lng=en&type=manual&area=eu&opt=reset
And follow this link for in-depth software manuals: https://ij.manual.canon/ij/webmanual/Manual2/UF/functions.html?area=eu&lapp=ms&lng=EN&model=tm-200&os=m
If you're having trouble with your printer and can't find the answer online, feel free to contact us and speak to a friendly member of the Plotterbase team!